Identity and belonging are important for all of us regardless of where we live and what we do. These key concepts may change when we move between countries, cultures, and communities. How can we ensure that we are still connected, both to our Swedish heritage and the communities we live in?
Identity, belonging, and connectedness are the framework for this year’s international Swedish School conference, which will be held in Sydney 5-7 May. The conference is arranged by the Swedish School in Sydney, in close collaboration with Swedish schools in Melbourne, Perth and Newcastle, with support from the National Agency of Education (Skolverket), Svensk Utlandsundervisnings Förening (SUF) and Riksförening Sverigekontakt.
The conference will explore what is required to sustain Swedish language teaching in Oceania from multiple perspectives (teachers, administrators, students, families), how to best engage students and families within our Swedish language schools, and why it is important for us to keep the Swedish language and culture alive wherever we live in the world. This year’s program will include a variety of national and international speakers who are all renowned for their motivational, innovative, and enthusiastic approaches to community language teaching. Our interactive program is anticipated to bring our Swedish communities together, boost collaboration across our schools and connect us to culture, language, country, community and to ourselves. We will explore teaching and technology, self-reflection, and holistic aspects such as sunrise yoga, with the vision to create a strong sense of identity and belonging both for ourselves and the communities that we serve.
As with many non-profit organisations, our Swedish Schools are dependent on enthusiastic voluntary work, where in many cases, participants will fund their own airfares to and from the conference.
If you are interested in contributing to travel expenses for those travelling from interstate or overseas to attend the conference, then please contact Pernilla at who will be happy to tell you more about the conference and meet you over a coffee and kanelbulle!
Live well, be kind, and stay connected!
Annika Ryan, Pernilla Thakur-Lundqvist, Anette Ryan, Sandra Lien.
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Pernilla Thakur-Lundqvist

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